
Would you like to alter the way you think, live, & solve your problems?


Accelerated Hypnotherapy is a special form of healing and integration. As we connect to and work with the power of your unconscious mind and body, entrenched problems, even physic!al patterns and habits, become less overwhelming . . . more workable. Even surprisingly . . . flexible! Shifts in your thinking and feeling will come about in unexpected ways.

How does this happen? Well . . . what does the word ‘trance’ mean to you? Do you remember a time when you’ve had a wonderful conversation with a friend, or watched a great movie? Remember that satisfying sensation—physical, mental, even spiritual—of expanded possibility? Your own creative intelligence feels alive and accessible.

Our hypnotic work together allows you to enter a similar zone within a mild, fully awake trance state. That helps you to activate your own unconscious resources for healing and change. It’s like opening a door—maybe the door to the Courage Room?—and discovering all kinds of new possibilities within reach.

Change is inside each of us. Where else could it possibly be? Learning new ways to solve old problems is what the human brain loves to do. As soon as I experienced this form of hypnosis myself as a client, I had to learn it as a therapist. It helped me in ways that continue to baffle me: in a good way!

Hypnotherapy sessions are usually 2-3 hours long, and as such are more expensive than ‘regular’ therapy. Please contact me here if you would like a free 30-40 minute discovery call to learn more about Accelerated Hypnotherapy. If you are interested in a more familiar therapy experience, please see The Courage Room here or from the tab above.

Mindful or meditative states are similar to trance states in the way they allow us to slow down and access deep internal resources. Learn more about a simple, somatic way to experiment with fearlessness in this free Courage Words article below.

Hello Writer! Wanna Retreat Together?

For over twenty years. I’ve been helping writers turn difficult stories and thorny writing problems into creative POWER.

If you’d like to work with me, the Courageous Writers’ Academy Online Retreat is for you.

In The Courageous Writers’ Academy Retreat, I teach you a new way to approach writing the difficult story & working through different writing problems / blocks. Hint: we practice and apply self-love, tenderness, & play. We also bring profound respect and curiosity to your beautiful brain! In traditional forms of writing education, people don’t learn anything about the brain, the power of self-hypnosis, somatic intelligence or the nervous system. With Courageous Writers, you learn as much about your brain and creative unconscious as you do about editing.

And you DO learn about editing. When we learn how to edit, we learn how to ORGANIZE. That becomes an organizing experience for the whole nervous system—your brain, your body, your spirit.

We all know it: writing is an act of power. YOUR power. Taking Power and Taking Care are important subjects. Personal power and real self-care are interwoven subjects in this retreat & program experience. Work with me and other Courageous Writers and discover a transformative and nourishing way to write.

Learning Week: Thurs. August 7 - Mon. August 11, 2025

With 2 months of Optional Support &Coaching Calls

Our next CWA is a RETREAT of seven / ten days. I strongly recommend that people rent space or literally retreat to a quiet place where they can focus on their creative work, inner healing and processing.


In these times, courage, resistance & joy are necessary.

The writer Maya Angelou said that courage was the most important virtue because it made every other virtue possible. And, frankly, at this juncture in our collective history, loving resistance and fierce joy also feel critical.

We can all learn to become more courageous—in love and work, in our communities, in our shared and often dangerous, confusing world. We can also embrace loving resistance and fierce joy as radical possibilities. (I know it ain’t easy: this is the work of my whole life, and I’m still just beginning.)

I’ve spent years learning from courageous people. Courageous people inhabit the books I write. 

They are a lot like you and me. They aspire—and they ache. They’re angry and complicated, beautiful and flawed. I am always trying to be thoughtfully, lovingly courageous. It is hard work.

Courage isn’t perfection; nor is it the absence of fear.

Sometimes it’s just slowly and mindfully pulling in the next miraculous breath. Then letting it go.

Sometimes the only place we’re courageous is inside, in our imaginations. The beginning of courage is always inside. Imagining what might be possible is key. (Remembering those little diamonds, sparks, of the happiness and the love we’ve known, the kindness and the pleasure—those memories also help a lot.)

We become our own courage experts by exploring, witnessing, reframing, even rewriting the stories of our lives. If this sounds right to you, please get in touch.

I offer hypnosis & therapy and the joyful, soul-expanding Courageous Writers’ Academy two or three times a year, in various forms. VERY SOON, I’ll have information online about THE OLIVE GROVE RETREAT, on the island of Lesvos, Greece, coming in May 2025!

You belong in The Courage Room, all of you, brain-body-spirit.

Bon courage,

Karen Connelly

Work With Me One-on-One

somatic and brain-focused counselling I’m a trained OEI trauma counsellor. Body-brain-spirit aware. Creativity, giftedness and several other languages spoken here.

psychoTherapy / Accelerated Clinical HypNosis

I’m a trained psychotherapist and Accelerated Clinical Hypnotherapist. ACH is a rapid form of deep Change Work.

The Creativity Collective A monthly membership program featuring a live weekly one-hour meeting. Nurture your creative spirit and soothe your brain through creative visualization and the group All-Write. $27 U.S./month

The Courage Room Collective

A monthly membership program featuring live weekly meetings and a LONG Flow Write session. Build your courage, nurture your creativity and soothe your brain through meditative, somatic practice and the group All-Write. $27 U.S./month