
Lishai Peel
“Karen Connelly gave me the tools to access parts of myself I had not yet explored. Her guidance and encouragement enabled me to delve deeply into narratives that worked through sticky multiracial family histories, complicated relationships and inter-generational trauma.
Under her tutelage, I began to unpack these stories in ways that now significantly inform my work. Before being mentored by Karen, I hid; I alluded, I wrote through abstraction. But Karen could still see me and she invited me to step into my work in a way I’d never before permitted myself to experience. Since this mentorship, I’ve come to realize that my stories are my life’s making. I’m no longer afraid to own and share them.”
Lishai Peel, 2017

Mar Fenech
“As a starry-eyed, aspiring author, I had the privilege of working with the incomparable Karen Connelly.
Few people treat their fellow humans with such care and consideration as Karen does. She embodies empathy and compassion. Karen inspired me to write bravely and helped me develop my literary voice—no, my literary roar. She made both practical and extraordinary suggestions in our process together. I channel this feeling of wildness and possibility whenever I write. And I thank Karen for encouraging me to tap into my truest nature.
She remains a trusted and cherished mentor. Over the past two decades, we have cultivated a friendship I treasure. I aspire to write as fearlessly as she does—to be as courageous.”
Mar Fenech, Author of Eight-Pointed Cross and The Falcon’s Shadow

Dr. Gretchen Roedde
“It was a privilege to work with Karen, who was unflinching in her assessments, encouraged me to the limits of my abilities, and gave above and beyond to ensure my achievement. I’m excited to learn she brings her many gifts to the challenging vocation of psychotherapy and trauma work.”
Dr. Gretchen Roedde, 2018

Jennilee Austria
“Karen believed in me, connected me with valuable networks, and has been so encouraging as my journey progresses. I love that Karen is a literary pharmacist-- she knows exactly which book to recommend for any emerging artist’s ailments and inspirations. She is an incredibly supportive mentor.”
Jennilee Austria, author and founder of Filipino Talks

Marcia Walker
“I came to Karen Connelly with an idea, a personal essay, and a hard deadline. She worked with me over five months to turn my vague impressions into a novel. I never would have accomplished this without her. She was a light in the dark for me. Her intelligence, humour, and insight helped me understand what was necessary to the story. When I did not trust my own perception, I trusted her particular brand of honesty to bring me back. It was a gift to work with her.”
Marcia Walker, 2016

Rebecca Fisseha
“Karen’s great! I’d heard she was a uniquely good mentor long before I began to work with her. She introduced me to this mysterious engine called plot and, through her reading recommendations, to many writers I wouldn’t have come across otherwise.
Those works became a secondary mentorship. Karen also very wisely pointed out critical missing elements in my early drafts, granting me permission to begin the process of writing more daringly. Karen is also a very open, kind, funny and approachable person. One of the rare people who actually walks the talk when it comes to cultivating human connection.”
Rebecca Fisseha, author of Daughters of Silence, 2019
Gillian Grant
“I was writing a memoir. I was in a hurry to get to the “wow” moments. She challenged me to slow down and spend more time expanding scenes to create deeper meaning. Her thoughtful insight woke up all five senses and I learned to write with an uncluttered mind and an open heart. With her help, I navigated the highs and lows of self-confidence and savoured the process of writing my story. “
Gillian Grant, 2019

Tina Beier
“Karen was a fantastic mentor. My novel was not her usual genre, but she dove into it with enthusiasm. She provided insightful critiques not only of my writing but of the deeper themes of the work. She helped me broaden the scope of my characters’ emotional journey. I can honestly say that my novel and my writing improved tenfold under her mentorship. I was so lucky to be paired with such an amazing writer and person.”
Tina Beier, 2019, author of What Branches Grow

Charlie Gray
“Even the most perfect words, aligned in the most perfect way, could never convey completely my gratitude for Karen’s role in my journey as an artist and thinker. Karen helped me dig deeper into who I am, so I could mine out the stories I want to share with the world. Her mentorship has been a true gift in my life – without it, I would not be the artist that I am today. I have tremendous admiration and respect for her voice and insight.”
Charlie Gray, 2018, Body and Wine Podcast, writer on sex and spirituality